🧭 How shifting your focus can help you to direct your life ⛵ Imagine your subconscious mind as a compass guiding you on a voyage. If you keep saying, "I don’t want to drift off course" or "I don’t want to end up lost," your compass gets confused. It can’t help you find your true destination without clear direction! Instead of focusing on what you want to avoid, shift your attention to where you want to sail. Instead of saying, “I don’t want to feel stressed,” ask yourself: “What does my ideal calm look like?” Here’s how to set your course for success: 1. Set Your Destination: Define your goals clearly. What is the beautiful harbor you want to reach? Write down your dreams, whether it’s finding a fulfilling career, nurturing relationships, or improving your well-being. 2. Embrace the Winds of Change: Just like sailors navigate unpredictable weather, embrace challenges as part of your journey. Each wave can teach you resilience and strength, bringing you closer to your destination. 3. Trust Your Compass: Don't let external opinions sway your journey. Keep your focus on your own path. Remember, this is your voyage—trust your inner compass to guide you toward your goals. Enjoy steering your ship and notice how this reframe technique can help guide you more in the direction of where you truly want to go!

Posted by Alison Snee at 2024-10-22 08:23:48 UTC