Such a pleasure to attend the launch of Talk Property Brunch - Stratford upon Avon with Talk Business UK at Boston Tea Party this morning! Great to finally meet Jonathan Smith and all the lovely property people in the room. A deliberately intimate session of up to 20 people means you really get to hear from everyone in the room and be able to chat to most. The venue is great too as Boston Tea Party Stratford never fails to delight with their delicious food! 🥰 I am a fan and that’s not just because both my daughters work there! 😂 Great to see Jonathan Smith, Dominic Connolly, Wasim Shah, Amanda Harris, George Smith, Olivia Beeton, Sarah Carter, Laura Wilkinson, James Tomlinson, Sally Crane, Cathryn Smith, Harriet Wood, Mark Hayes See you next time! #stagingsells #networking #propertynetworking #propertynetwork #talkproperty #talkbusiness #propertypeople #propertypeopleconnect #networkingstratforduponavon #networkingwarwickshire

Posted by Suzanna Kelly at 2024-12-03 23:54:01 UTC