Day 6 of our Advent Calendar Whether your project budget is £5k or £500k put aside a contingency fund for unexpected or rising costs during your project. There will always be unknowns or surprises along the way so be prepared! We recommend 10% depending on the type of project. If you’re lucky enough not to use it then you could use it to upgrade the final finish or spend it on a well deserved holiday after all the dust and stress 😉 #christmas #adventcalendar #construction #architecture #design #building #interiordesign #renovation #contractor #engineering #home #concrete #constructionlife #builder #homedecor #interior #homeimprovement #civilengineering #architect #heavyequipment #homedesign #constructionsite #carpentry #builders #roofing #house #electrician #homerenovation #business

Posted by Tony Walker at 2024-12-06 20:37:23 UTC