I'm off - out, out!!! Out of the country on annual leave. I can't wait - I'm so ready for a break and a recharge. March has seen an influx of new clients - some have started and some are onboarded and good to go on my return.. I'm genuinely ready to down tools and recharge - but some work is going with me. I'm building a business which is exciting, so I want to be doing something.. ✅ A review of a marketing audit conducted by a social media specialist ready to discuss on my return and implement changes - that's for the flight ✅ Writing and putting electronic pen to electronic paper - I'm co-authoring a book with a team who have a strong track record in bestsellers, this is exciting! More to come on this in Q3/Q4 ✅ I have an admin assistant who will keep an eye on a few basics while I'm away ✅ A few scheduled posts too ✅ I'll schedule a few pockets of time to keep an eye on any inbound enquiries ✅ Some thinking around the strategy for Your Results Coach and how I evolve the business over the net 12 months I'll share a few snippets of the trip on my return. I'm ready to enjoy a warmer climate and spend some quality time with the family. Chris - Your Results Coach

Posted by ThisisChrisHowe at 2024-03-27 07:30:08 UTC