That Time of the Week Again... Saturday mornings at Starbucks , a chance to reflect on the week gone by and get things lined up for the week ahead. I like to use these early Saturday mornings to reflect on the week gone by and to get organised and stay on top of things before Monday rolls around. Working full time while building a business is demanding. With networking events in the evenings and meetings throughout the week, my wife and I often feel like ships passing in the night. Thankfully, she fully supports what I’m doing and understands that all the effort I’m putting in now is about building a better future. I always make time for myself too. I like to set aside parts of the weekend to focus on the business, but Sundays are usually about family, getting out for a walk with my wife and the dog, grabbing a coffee, and maybe even a pint. It’s all about getting the balance right. The hard work now will pay off in the future, giving us more time to enjoy the things we love. Keeping that goal in mind is what drives me forward. How do you manage to balance work, business, and personal life?
Posted by Jason Christensen at 2025-01-25 08:26:37 UTC