🤗 Hi all, I’m Alison from Bloom Hypnotherapy – a partner of the UK Homes Network! I am a professionally qualified Clinical Hypnotherapist and Psychotherapist. I work with people to help them make positive changes in their lives through Solution Focused Hypnotherapy. I help people with a wide range of mental and physical health related issues, including stress, anxiety and overwhelm, fears and phobias, depression, confidence and self-esteem, addiction, focus and motivation. I am so passionate about the solution focused approach and have seen it change many peoples lives, including my own! Solution Focused Hypnotherapy combines forward thinking psychotherapy (taking elements of SFBT, CBT and NLP) and hypnosis and is a modern approach based on the latest neuroscience. 🏠 Why am I here in the UK Homes Network? I’m here to provide useful advice around health and wellbeing to help you to be able to thrive in both your work and home life. Drawing on my background in therapy and over 15 years of experience in the built environment sector, I have an understanding of the mental and physical challenges encountered by this community. I am eager to offer my assistance in navigating these challenges more effectively. 😎 Other info! In my spare time I like to be in the great outdoors as much as possible, whether that be hiking, paddle boarding or wild swimming. I’m an avid podcast listener and love to listen whilst running outdoors (it makes running much more enjoyable!) 😊 I offer network members a FREE 30-minute online consultation that gives you the opportunity to talk to me in confidence about your current situation, what struggles you might have and how you would ideally like to feel. I will listen with empathy and kindness – without any judgement. You will learn how hypnotherapy can help you achieve your goals by understanding how your brain contributes to the challenges you face, as well as the related feelings or symptoms. There is no obligation to book any therapy sessions after your consultation. The call is an opportunity for us to get to know each other to see if we're a good fit. An informal chat over a cuppa! If you're interested in scheduling an online consultation, you can access my online calendar in the link below and select a time that fits into your schedule. https://calendly.com/bloomhypno/free_consultation...
Posted by Alison Snee at 2024-07-23 11:51:24 UTC