Remote working is on the rise.. Businesses are starting to realise that their staff and teams are more productive and often happier with a genuine hybrid working model. But what about the flip side? We know the dangers of the traditional corporate lifestyle; the after-work drinks, the lack of personal life and so on, but is there a hidden cost to working from home that we aren’t seeing and need to be aware of? And more importantly how, as a leader, can you prevent falling into this trap yourself? A lot of people who work from home, also:- ↪ Work longer hours ↪ See less of their families ↪ Drink more ↪ Burnout when they hit their targets, and their targets increase ↪ Have less time for their well-being and health Remote working has its benefits, but it can also be really isolating and take its toll on you emotionally and physically. As leaders, we tend to fill our time when we have more of it and then crash and burn trying to maintain that level of output. It’s unsustainable, so before it trips you up:- ➡ Put a structure in place to maintain a work / life balance ➡ Have boundaries around your habits, e.g. Don’t drink more because you don’t have to drive to and from work and face the team ➡ Schedule in co working time or social activities with your team ➡ Get out of the house when you aren’t working! Simple, yet effective steps you can take that not only benefit you and your family, but your teams and colleagues to. Finally, get support. No successful leader is doing it alone, believe me. I work with some of the best and they all fall prey to these issues without the right network and coaching in place. Action ➡ Momentum ➡ Results Is there anything you’d add that works for you? Share it below. Send me a message if you'd like to chat about how we can work together on you and your business. Chris - Your Results Coach.
Posted by ThisisChrisHowe at 2024-09-04 07:35:28 UTC